Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Is it kosher yet?

KE is my personal hechsher and standard that applies to myself, my home, and my family. I believe this term was coined in an article, "Kosher Enough - A New Look at Kashrut" by Rabbi Paul Plotkin, published a few years ago in the USCJ Review. It has since become an expression of my current application of Kashrut, at any given time.

I'm envious of people who have had the practice of Kashrut firmly defined for them, and never had to grapple with varying standards that exist in the many different Jewish communities today. I am certain that I grew up in a kosher home, and then grew up to establish my own home which was certainly not kosher. I am equally certain that the Kashrut in my mother and grandmothers' homes would today be considered insufficient by most folks I know today who care about keeping kosher. Food has changed some, but the Torah has not. How could the rules have changed?

My last excuse for not beginning this blog expired when I was laid off on Thursday. I had been working for the past eleven years as a Technical Writer and web developer at a small software company in South Florida. I now hope to fulfill a longtime dream of writing paragraphs and pages where sentences never end in the words, "Press Enter." It’s been a long while in the making, but now I can officially welcome you to my blog, and invite you to help alleviate my kitchen confusion.

It hasn’t been easy yet.